Your Professional Growth Mentor, One Percent At a Time

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“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Jim Rohn

In 1%Growth, we’ll help you form a habit to grow every day, and give you the right content at the right time, curated just for you.

  • Have you ever watched a great talk and wish you had watched it earlier in your career?
  • Did you ever want to restructure your weekly meetings with your team after listening to an insightful podcast?
  • Inspiration drives action, but it is hard to come by. How do you maintain the inspiration to take action and improve?

Fleeting inspiration catches us, often when we don’t expect it, but whenever it does it’s a welcome surprise.

How does it work?

  • We'll locate the right content for you
    We gather the best articles, videos, and podcasts, around the web. So you can enjoy it in one place at the right time.
  • We'll make it a habit for you
    Using social engineering techniques we’ll find the right time slot each day and help you to stick with it. Before you know it you will create a new habit that requires little effort to maintain.
  • We'll get to know you
    There are people that want to watch videos while walking on the treadmill and others prefer to listen to podcasts while driving. We’ll tailor the content for your needs as you grow.

Wait there's more to help you grow

  • We got you -no more endless tabs you’ll never visit, no more slack channels you can’t follow.
  • We'll map your growth,whether you want to gain better software engineering skills, be a better speaker, or upgrade your product management skills. Together we’ll plan your journey.
  • We’ll help you get there.We know sticking with a habit is hard work. That's why we placed checkpoints to make sure you stick to it by giving you clarity about your progress and growth as you evolve.

What Our Users Say

1%Growth helped me set the commitment and put a solid system to help my professional development and the constant pursuit of knowledge and specialize in what I do.”
Avishai Lippner
Software Engineer, Versatile
1%Growth helped me leverage my limited spare time by make the right content accessible for me with a click of a button”
Eti Noked
R&D Group Manager, Checkmarx
1%Growth helped me to be more consciously aware of consuming content that I'm interested in and provided me an easy way to consume that content.”
Yotam Bloom
Senior Software Engineer, Melio
1%Growth made me do what I've been procrastinating for years - reading professional content that will step up my game.”
Limor Mekaiten
Engineering Team Lead, Mixtiles
“For me, 1%Growth is the most convenient tool for managing my reading backlog.”
Tidhar Klein Orbach
Release Engineer, Taboola

1%Growth for your team

As an organization and a team lead, you should always push your employees forward and help them grow internally.

Take 1%Growth and use it as your team growth platform:

  • Dedicated mentor -someone from our skilled team will work with you and your team closely, help you get the most out of the platform.
  • Grow together -it’s always nicer to learn with friends. see what your friends liked and share content with others.
  • Platforms that people use -enough with huge and expensive learning tools that you don’t know if anyone uses (let us tell you a secret - most of the time no one really does).
  • Help your employees grow -map your team's strength and challenges, see what you are missing, and help your team.

“The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding.”

James Clear (“Atomic Habits” author)